My mission
I am a pet photographer specialized in modern and artistic portraits. I primarily cater to animal lovers who value quality, personal service, extensive expertise and support – all while being my priority.
I invite you to read more about my values, and what makes me and my services unique in “why choose me”
My vision
Everyone can take pictures, and soon anyone can take a satisfying picture. Looking towards the future, photographers should not be vendors and clients cannot be just numbers anymore. The modern photographer has to deliver the whole experience. It will be about the art that is created, wholehearted service, personal connections and the stories experienced and told.

The journey
In the beginning of 2014 I purchased my first digital camera, with the intent of picking up my long lost hobby in photography. Having a curious nature I explored many different genres, but already early on pet-, portrait- and boudoir photography spoke to my creative soul. As requests increased photography quickly shifted from a hobby to a career path. By the end of 2014 I registered Azzeria Photography as a company and I have since been blessed to call this my job.
Being completely self taught has required discipline, devotion, a drive to grow and the desire to continuously develop my techniques. One of the biggest challenges in running my own company is the many different roles that I need to take on. It comes with the necessity of developing many diverse skill sets, outside of just photography and editing. A recent achievement I am proud of, is the creation of this website. To undertake all design, writing and content creation really took me out of my comfort zone and required creativity beyond what I am used to.
By the end of 2018 my health took a turn for the worse, leaving me unable to work for almost 2 years. This gave me the opportunity to re-evaluate my dreams and priorities, and with that I set a new direction for Azzeria. It took courage to dream of a company that focuses on pet photography, and bravery and sacrifice to make this a reality. Having chosen a primary speciality feels scary at times, but as the saying goes: ‘Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy.’
I feel enthusiastic about the future of Azzeria – The art that will be created, the stories experienced and told, the incredible animals met, and the personal connections made with my future clients.
Concluding words
My photography journey has brought me immense personal growth, and taught me to value the moments we have, and to appreciate what makes our lives. If you made it this far through my story then I bet you and I are much alike, and animals hold an irreplaceable part in our lives. I will pour my heart and soul into my time with you to create that artistic memento you are looking for. In return, I depend on your enthusiasm in my process and your appreciation for artistic photography.
Meet your photographer
My youths creative & artistic background
I have always been drawn to all things creative and artistic. I grew up in a super remote village, where one of the few activities was Sunday gatherings for kids in the local chapel. There we would explore all type of crafts – everything from creating jewelry, paper / glitter & floral crafts to drawing and painting. During my early school years I found performing arts rather fun, especially musical theatre and dance. In later school years I took a wide range of creative classes. Ranging from wood classes, knife making, leatherwork and textile, to art and music.
I knew I had found my medium when I took my first photography class. I always secretly borrowed my mothers analog camera and I I would end up consuming all rolls of film by photographing everything around me (my favorite was the family dogs). In class I explored different genres of photography (portrait, pets, still life, street, architecture). Back then, I did not have a preference, instead I was just eager to photograph everything. The most thrilling in the experience was the moment you pressed the shutter – the anticipation of the shot that I had created, together with the dark room. I will never forget the feeling of finally being able to enter the dark room and develop the rolls of film. Not only to visually see your creation, but to be able to physically hold it in your hands. To this day, physical prints still touches my creative soul in a way nothing else can.

Always been surrounded by animals
Since the first day I was born, I have been surrounded by animals. My family had two hunting dogs (Norrbottenspets) that I loved dearly. Karo (the sweet guy in the picture) was part of our family prior to my birth, and was with us until I was 12 years old. The two dogs followed us everywhere – even up to our cabins in the mountains. I have strong memories of Karo sitting with me and my mother on the sley (connected to the snow scooter my father drove.) We would go fishing, drive to other towns or go up on the mountains like this. I used to love taking the dogs out together with me alone, wheter it was on ski’s, walking, hiking or on bike in the summer. My whole family and friends had their own animals (cats, horses, dogs, bunnies, chickens, sheeps). One of my nieces had an Icelandic horse I used to love riding on – even though it was temperimental and I often ended up falling off it haha. I would not have traded growing up surrounded by animals for anything. If I could change something looking back, I only wish I would have had more pets in my adolescence.
A love that is only growing
Although I have always loved animals, it is something that is continuously growing. I am excited when I imagine my life in another 10 or 20 years, to see where this love has taken me, and what it will have brought to my life. The biggest shift happened when I met my current partner, and cats was introduced to my life. Their playful and loving spirits has brought such tremendous joy to my life. This may be an classic opinion, but what I love the most about cats is their affection for you. The bond, their loyalness, their company and their expression- is not something that is taught, trained or commanded. Everything is always their own choice, and that makes receiving their love very special to me. I am today a proud cat mother of 2 very special cats, which I will introduce a bit below (feel free to skip if you are not interested, this is for whoever wants to know more about me and my life).
I have a lot of dreams of volunteering for different animal causes. The biggest dream of all, I will elaborate on in the business section below, but in short – I hope to be able to contribute to rescuing pets from shelters through my work. In a more short term manner, I am hoping I can start volunteering at a kinderboerderij. I have loved every minute of living next to one, and I would enjoy it very much to be surrounded by those animals on a daily basis. The older I get, the more I feel that if we appreciate something in life, we must do what we can to support and contribute to that very thing.
My two babies
If you want to know even more about me privately
Nature & Walks
I love quiet walks in nature, to observe and soak in all beauty and peace around me. It clears my mind, recharges me and tends to positively shift my perspective.
I like to keep active and to exercise. The gym is a vital part of my lifestyle (for mental health), but also to maintain my body to be able to do a physically demanding job.
I have been a vegtarian for 1.5 years, and I do not regret a day. I hope one day I can transition into being a vegan (about half way there at this moment, for which I am grateful and proud)
I love to travel and explore the world – its beautiful to experience new cultures. The wider our perspective is of the world, the fuller our lives are.
Music lover
Listening to music & going to live concerts is one of my biggest passions. (aside from my work and animals) I could not imagine a life without constant music in it.
I am a huge fan of series. I prefer series over movies. I love deep and long story lines, and my favorite genre is crime shows (I am sure you know of some scandinavian shows?)
Candy lover
I have been a big sweet tooth all my life! I love sweets far too much for my own good – especially chocolate has a special place in my heart.
I have always enjoyed online games and to participate in competietive scenes. I love the challenge, to grow, push myself and to overcome obsticles along the way.